Saturday, December 30, 2023

Review: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book has taken a surprisingly long time for me to get around to reading, given just how much I enjoy the movie Shawshank Redemption (one of my favourite movies!). But I kept forgetting about it until a student decided to read it for an independent novel project this year in one of my English classes. So, I thought it was a good opportunity to read it. Of course, some of what comes below will be informed my better understanding of the movie, but I'll try to give the book its due.

Fundamentally, the plot of the book is the same as the movie. Yes, the wardens are compressed into one. Yes, there are adjustments to the plot to intensify the 'Robin Hood' aspect of Andy Dufresne's financing efforts, but, fundamentally, the story remains the same. And that is the story, told by a fellow inmate, of Andy Dufresne, wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover and imprisoned in Shawshank Prison for almost thirty years before his almost miraculous escape. It is a meditation of guilty/innocence, freedom and how to live with integrity in a moral cesspool. The centre of the book is always Andy, as told through his relationship with the narrator, Red.

This is really a lovely book. Don't get me wrong. It's brutal in parts, as one would expect of a prison book. The discussion of prison rapes and solitary confinement make that brutality very clear. But, ultimately, it is a book about hope, which is probably why I love it and the movie so much.

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Review: Are u ok?: A Guide to Caring for Your Mental Health

Are u ok?: A Guide to Caring for Your Mental Health Are u ok?: A Guide to Caring for Your Mental Health by Kati Morton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I picked this book up from my library app on a bit of whim. I'd seen Kati Morton's YouTube videoes a few times over the last couple of months and found her quite helpful, so thought I'd look this up. It took me only a couple of weeks to get it from the on holds, so I was able to get to it quite fast.

Morton's book is really an introduction to therapy and to psychology. Like her YouTube channel, Morton is really good at explaining the complexities of psychological treatments and approaches as well as illnesses in clear, easy to understand prose. Her style is easy to read and really quite compassionate. Her good sense comes through and she is full of recommendations of how to approach mental health issues. The book is intended for someone with limited experience with therapy, so I found that I knew a lot of what she was talking about, except, of course, the more nuts and bolts who does what kind of things (which really only applies directly to California). But I still found the book helpful.

If you're struggling and wondering about a book to de-mystify how to get help, this is a good book to start with. And, of course, Morton's YouTube channel.

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Review: Braided Learning: Illuminating Indigenous Presence through Art and Story

Braided Learning: Illuminating Indigenous Presence through Art and Story Braided Learning: Illuminating Indigenous Presence through Art and Story by Susan D. Dion
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was loaned to me by a colleague as a kind of introduction to considering how to include indigenous voices into the high school classroom. It is an development of Dion's Braided Histories, which tells the stories of indigenous peoples in Canada. This book includes some of the stories, but also includes indigenous art pieces and a really useful consideration of how education fits into the efforts to bring out the indigenous voice in Canada.

I found the book really helpful in my efforts to improve my understanding of indigenous voices, so I would recommend it on that basis. Dion spends the time to explain the complexity of those voices, which is helpful for those of us who are on the outside. The fact is that, like most other communities, there is no uniform indigenous voice, so we have to ready to embrace that complexity. And Dion helps us on that journey.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Review: Seasons of a Family's Life: Cultivating the Contemplative Spirit at Home

Seasons of a Family's Life: Cultivating the Contemplative Spirit at Home Seasons of a Family's Life: Cultivating the Contemplative Spirit at Home by Wendy M. Wright
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. I found it, really, because I was re-reading Richard Rohlheiser's Domestic Monastery which references a talk by Wendy Wright. That mention intrigued me, so I hunted out her books and was able to find this is one of the theological libraries near me.

This book looks at family life from a contemplative angle which is both genuinely contemplative, but also pretty robust theologically- an unusual combination believe me. Many of the books on family spirituality I've run into tend to get into didactic mode, telling the reader how to do family (meaning, in the way the author does) and never really gives much flexibility to explore and to delight. Wright's book understands contemplation and understands what Christian contemplation is, and genuinely delights in it. It is firmly convinced that we discover the way to God in parenting, but that that path is as individual as the people who tred the path. And that is refreshing.

This is Wright's second book and I fully intend to hunt out her first one. This one spoke to me also because she was at a similar point in parent as I am when she wrote this. That is, she has two children in university and one in high school. I'm a little behind that, but not so far that I don't understand where she is. That helps, but, it isn't necessary because Wright reminisces about all the stages of her parenting life.

This is definitely worth reading- a lovely mix of personal memoir, robust theology and poetic, contemplative spirit.

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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Review: Julia

Julia Julia by Sandra Newman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a bit of a tag-along afterthought in my fall of dystopian literature. While I was finishing off 1984 with my class, I found out that a new novel came out that retold the 1984 story from Julia's point of view and that was simply too good to miss. Given how deeply male 1984 is as a novel and how two-dimensional Julia is in that book, seeing a retelling by a woman was just too interesting.

The result is an inspired re-reading of the story. I won't do any spoilers, but this novel goes beyond a simple re-telling. It is more complex and intriguing than that. Julia emerges as a real person, driven by circumstances and people which aren't even hinted at in the original 1984, but which oddly work in its context. And it is also, ultimately, much, much more hopeful.

Of course, the book has been controversial and, yes, the book also written with a distinctly feminist, left-learning slant with rather fluid sexual identities, shall we say? The Goodread reviews are mixed and mine is distinctly positive. My warning is, don't expect a scene by scene imitation of 1984, but take this as a creative re-telling. It doesn't slavishly follow the tone and details of 1984, nor does it replicate the almost oppressively male centered and honestly, casually misogynistic world of Orwell's original. It isn't a replacement, but a novel in its own right.

So, yes, read it! And, certainly, if you know 1984 well, compare and contrast the two. But judge it on its own merits, which, I think, are considerable.

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Review: Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict 2013 edition (Voices from the Monastery) by Michael Casey (1-Aug-2013) Paperback

Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict 2013 edition (Voices from the Monastery) by Michael Casey (1-Aug-2013) Paperback Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict 2013 edition (Voices from the Monastery) by Michael Casey (1-Aug-2013) Paperback by Michael Casey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another of my Benedictine books which I've been reading the last few years. I took this one slow, reading a few paragraphs, stopping, reflecting, sometimes reading a bit more. Really the book rewards that kind of reading because it was clearly written out of lectio divina, which is a similar type of reading style.

The book itself is, of course, reflections on aspects of the Rule of St. Benedict, so the context is, of course, monastic. And, as I am not called to be monastic, but rather a husband and father, you'd think the connections would be difficult to apply to my life. And some are, to be sure. However, like many books on Benedictine values, so much of what this book talks about is common to all vowed lives- balancing stability, accountability and on going conversion to our own lives in the here and now. And Casey has a lot to offer in considering those common elements of the spiritual life.

For those who find a value in Benedictine values, this book is well worth reading. It is clear. It is thoughtful. And it inspires reflection on one's own life, whether one is a monk or not.

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Review: The Peaceable Classroom

The Peaceable Classroom The Peaceable Classroom by Mary Rose O'Reilley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I've been meaning to get this book for a few years, but have found it quite difficult to find. And that is a pity in my view because this book deserves to be better known. In this book, Mary Rose O'Reilley uses a course on war poetry to reflect on the simple question, posed to her in the maelstrom of campus politics in the Vietnam War, "How do we teaching English without killing anyone?". That seems an odd question, but, at a time when flunking out of college lost one their deferment from the army, it was legitimate one.

The result is a rather meandering, but incredible insightful reflection on how does one run a peaceable classroom. That is, how does one encourage peace, while teaching English. I won't do a spoiler, of course, and, besides, O'Reilley is the last to think she has the answer for that question, since she is rather a 'live the question' kind of person. But this book raises important questions about how we teach students, how we run our classrooms and the complicated power dynamics in them and what kind of society do we want to see.

And, O'Reilley is funny. Well, okay, funny in a curmudgeonly way, which is an acquired taste, but with a genuine heart for her students and the world around her. I would read her on the subway going into work at my school and just laugh aloud at a passage.

But, as a caveat, keep in mind, the book is written twenty years ago and reflects experience from the late sixties and early seventies. Sometimes the language is jarring. It was a jarring then too, but more so now.

But, yes, if you're a teacher or a student or just interested in how to teach, definitely read this book!

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Review: It Can't Happen Here

It Can't Happen Here It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I picked this book up, largely because I was teaching 1984 for the first time to high school students and so was on a dystopia kick. And this one interested me because it is quite an early political dystopia and because it has been touted as being eerily reflective of the political landscape today.

Written in 1935, amid the totalitarian revolutions in Europe which saw the rise of Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany as well as the continued threat of the Soviet Union, Sinclair Lewis takes us through how quickly a democracy could be overthrown amid the economic dislocation and political instabilities so endemic in the Great Depression. Starting with Roosevelt being displaced as Democratic candidate for second term by a populist rabble rouser with the preposterous name of Berzelius Windrip, Lewis charts the failure of the various fail-safes in American democracy which allows for the setting up of a fascist dictatorship. It follows the adventures of Doremus Jessup, a small time journalist as he navigates the crisis, eventually emerging as a resistance leader to the fascist government. It presents a frighteningly effective blueprint of what happens to people, families and communities in the midst of such a political takeover.

The premise of the book is really interesting and, of course, prescient for today's politics in the US. There are, of course, glaring flaws with this book. It is difficult to warmup to Jessup, who is difficult to take seriously as a hero because, frankly, while having good principles, is rather too comfortable in his life, until it is gradually taken away. He is tougher than one might expect at the beginning of the book, but, honestly, that is such a low bar that he rarely ascends past mildly perturbed. The writing also has a certain 1930s folksy journalist tone which really rings false almost a century later. And the plot really does limp along.

In addition, our knowledge of how the Fascist and Nazi story ended in real life also creates a certain amount of dissonance with this book. Lewis' understanding of both systems was good for his time and he was influenced by his journalist wife's work in this area, but knowing that these two systems also dragged much of the world into the spectacularly destructive Second World War changes modern perspectives about how to view those systems. Lewis is hardly pro-totalitarian, but one misses the horror that the Second World War instilled in much of the world .

Still, with those caveats, this book is still worth reading, partly for those interested in how the worked in the 1930s and for this book's genuine political savvy.

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Review: Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict 2013 edition (Voices from the Monastery) by Michael Casey (1-Aug-2013) Paperback

Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict 2013 edition (Voices from the Monastery) by Michael Casey (1-Aug-2013) Paperback Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict 2013 edition (Voices from the Monastery) by Michael Casey (1-Aug-2013) Paperback by Michael Casey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another of my Benedictine books which I've been reading the last few years. I took this one slow, reading a few paragraphs, stopping, reflecting, sometimes reading a bit more. Really the book rewards that kind of reading because it was clearly written out of lectio divina, which is a similar type of reading style.

The book itself is, of course, reflections on aspects of the Rule of St. Benedict, so the context is, of course, monastic. And, as I am not called to be monastic, but rather a husband and father, you'd think the connections would be difficult to apply to my life. And some are, to be sure. However, like many books on Benedictine values, so much of what this book talks about is common to all vowed lives- balancing stability, accountability and on going conversion to our own lives in the here and now. And Casey has a lot to offer in considering those common elements of the spiritual life.

For those who find a value in Benedictine values, this book is well worth reading. It is clear. It is thoughtful. And it inspires reflection on one's own life, whether one is a monk or not.

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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Review: The Handmaid’s Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've been meaning to read Handmaid's Tale for quite some time, but hadn't got around to it until this summer. I've always been a bit intimidated by it, to be honest, especially because of its premise of a 'Christian' fundamentalist state. As a Christian, I'm on more of the progressive wing, so, while I recognize the danger of fundamentalism, I do get tired of Christianity being equated with fundamentalism. So, I've tended to hesitate on this book and I think that was a mistake because the book is much more nuanced than that.

So, the premise, of course, is that, amid a vaguely identified environmental disaster or disasters, the US as we know it falls into a period of civil strife and a harshly theocratic, Republic of Gilead, emerges as the government. Among the developments with this regime is the complete reversal of feminist gains of the 60s and 70s as women are driven out of the workplace and the economy. Amid this, the majority of women become infertile, necessitating the virtual enslavement of the fertile women as Handmaids. Atwood's book charts the story of one of these 'handmaids' in the style of a oral tale, recorded presumably after her escape (as the afterword, set considerably in the future, tells).

The world of the Handmaids is, of course, one of surface strictness and deep, deep hypocrisy. The self-conscious piety of all members of society is a survival mechanism in a totalitarian state, of course, but the experiences of Offred highlight how even its leaders can't live with the roles they live. It makes sense, of course, in a dystopian world like this, but it is deftly captured by Attwood.

What strikes me as most interesting, given the reputation of this book as a critique of Christianity, is that the Christianity it portrays isn't the one I recognize. It has shades of the Aryan churches of Germany, but it focuses more on a more explicitly Old Testament political and social ideology. Grace, for instance, isn't really a strong voice in this religion. In fact, the mainline denominations are pretty relentlessly persecuted in this book and, indeed, some Christians, especially Quakers, are actively subverting it. The religion that Attwood presents is that of an extreme fringe of evangelicalism and just about anyone will recognize it as fundamentally dangerous.

This is really interesting to me because Handmaid's Tale has a reputation of being anti-Christian. In fact, over ten years ago, at my school, we had a parent object to the book being assigned as a text because of those overtones (I had been tempted to suggest Canticle for Leibowitz as a substitute, knowing the overtly Catholic tone of that book would be just as jarring!). Yet, I don't think Atwood is warning about Christianity in general, but just a form of Christianity which is legitimately dangerous.

So, this book is well worth reading. It does go slow and a bit diffusely, but it is well worth immersing oneself in this alternative world.

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Review: Mockingjay

Mockingjay Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I rather unexpectedly got this book from my public library, since it was on hold for, well, forever- the Hunger Games series being so popular. This is, of course, the concluding book of the series and continues the momentum of the previous two books, sometimes painfully. Katniss' and the other tributes' PTSD is now acute in this book and you can see how all this is affecting them, all while they are working to overthrow the oppressive government which runs the Hunger Game. There is moral complexity though because the substitute government forming isn't that much better, as Katniss realizes quite early on. This makes for a richer story, of course, which is full of moral decisions and dilemmas.

That complexity is part of what makes this one of the best science fiction dystopias of our generation. Well worth reading!

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Review: Catching Fire

Catching Fire Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second of the Hunger Games series, the first of which I read earlier in the summer finally. I'm not sure I have much to add to my previous review because this second book in the series continues the story seamlessly from the original Hunger Games. The writing remains brilliant and the characters vivid. New, of course, is you can just see the PTSD in the main characters, which is leaking out in all sorts of messy ways. Understandable, of course. And it gives layers to the main characters which make sense.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Review: The Years of Rice and Salt

The Years of Rice and Salt The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book, but for some specific reasons that may not operate for everyone.

First, I really do enjoy historical fiction as thought experiments and this one is a fascinating one. It is based around the hypothesis of a wave of the Black Death which wipes out 99.99% of the population of Europe, leaving all of mediaeval Europe a wasteland. The rest of the book explore how the world would develop entirely without the European influence. The answer, of course, is that Islam and China become the dominant powers in the world, while a revived Indian and a powerful Haudenosaunee confederation gain ground later. And the hook is that we follow several reincarnations of a group of souls which stick together, ending each session in a Buddhist afterlife, the bardo. That allows us to have characters who develop over the length of the novel. It is a fascinating, if complex and, occasionally, perplexing premise. And it is done, not creating a utopia, nor entirely a dystopia, one that does have a sense of moral and personal progress.

Second, I really enjoyed the shifts in style as Robinson shifted from one time to the next. I'm sure I didn't pick up the nuances, but the feel of the sections are different and, where I could judge it, parallel to the times. That shows greater versatility and was an interesting element.

Third, history geek as I am, I'm fascinated by the reflections on history that show up in the discussion. The concept tends to be cyclical, but with a sense of teleology or an kind of moral progress. It is heavily influenced by Buddhism, which isn't a faith that I follow, but it is fascinating to me for that reason. The stress on progress, especially the value of technological progress in ensuring moral progress is sometimes a bit optimistic, but more often more nuanced than that. This element alone makes me want to read it more.

All this being said, the reviews of this when I started was giving the book an average of 3.75. And, without looking at the other reviews, I get why. This is a complex book thematically and stylistically. It is also a rather foreign sounding book to Western ears. That is probably a reason why I'm so enthusiastic about it, but, still, I can see why that is off putting. still, I really recommend trying this book for your yourself. I don't think you'll regret it.

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Thursday, August 03, 2023

Review: Operation Pedestal: The Fleet That Battled to Malta, 1942

Operation Pedestal: The Fleet That Battled to Malta, 1942 Operation Pedestal: The Fleet That Battled to Malta, 1942 by Sir Max Hastings
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I ran into this book in my library app and was interested because I knew the battle. It is an epic one, with lots of drama and lots of opportunity for human interest. By itself, the saga of the tanker Ohio makes for riveting reading. So, I was looking forward to a interesting read.

And I wasn't disappointed. Hastings masterfully combines official accounts, historical archives and personal accounts into a sweeping, dramatic narrative of this last ditch attempt to resupply the fortress island, Malta. He engages with the controversies of the scholarship and of the experience of the convoy, giving his own informed opinion. He comes heavily down on the need for the convoy, as opposed to those who thought the effort wasn't worth the cost. But he does pay attention to the cost of the campaign, highlighting both the successes and failures of both sides. The result is a vivid narrative with a lot of human interest as well as examples of the best and worst of those in the battle.

This is really a superb book, deserving a place with the best war narratives. It is both deeply researched and profoundly human.

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Friday, July 28, 2023

Review: How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States

How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States by Daniel Immerwahr
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a superb book! Now, anyone who regularly reads my reviews knows that I like a good title, so I'm not ashamed to say that it was the title which was the hook for me. I mean, I took American history in school, but it isn't a major focus for me, but I was interested in this attempt to look at American imperialism, which is tricky subject, given that the Americans spend so much time denying their imperialism.

Immerwahr's approach is an interesting one, focusing primarily on how the Americans acquired an empire after the Spanish-American War and how they did their best to pretend they didn't. It follows that particular trick of the collective mind by tracking American relationship with their 'empire' right up to 9/11. Immerwahr's analysis is insightful, but the best sections are when he considers the creation of the pointalist empire of the post-World War II era, where the focus shifted from the acquisition of resources from colonies, to the creation of bases to safeguard American interests. Immerwahr makes the really interesting and convincing argument that it was the development of synthetics for many necessary items for industrialisation, which made this approach possible. Less depending on rubber or other natural products in Asia/Africa, the US was able to pursue de-colonization for itself and push it allies into following suit, while also maintaining an empire, which it could still deny.

Immerwahr is preceptive and a really wonderful story-teller/writer. He's well worth reading.

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Review: The Space Between Us: Conversations About Transforming Conflict

The Space Between Us: Conversations About Transforming Conflict The Space Between Us: Conversations About Transforming Conflict by Betty Pries
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to admit that I love this book. I don't say that very often, but this is an excellent book on how to deal with conflict, from a mediator with a contemplative bent. So, I know, given my reading list, probably not surprising that I'm so enthusiastic about this book.

What I love about this book is that it isn't just a list of types and typologies, as so many of these books so often are and which can come off as how to manipulate everyone into a peace, which isn't especially peaceful. What Pries offers is an approach which looks at disagreements and conflicts as a chance to reflect on the kinds of relationships and commitments we take on and how we can learn from the conflicts which can so easily breakout even among those approaching each other in good will. She considers conflict theory, but infuses mindfulness and contemplative spirituality to help us monitor the inner landscape of us in conflict. It offers a truly human-sized way of approach conflict.

The tone of the book is both reflective and hopeful in a way that one doesn't find all the time. Pries is compassionate, even with the most difficult conflict, and really lives out the hope that conflict can lead to greater insights into ourselves and our relationships. I love that vision and I'm sure I'll be re-reading this book in the near future.

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Review: Nelson's Trafalgar: The Battle That Changed the World

Nelson's Trafalgar: The Battle That Changed the World Nelson's Trafalgar: The Battle That Changed the World by Roy A. Adkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an odd choice for me, I have to admit. Well, not the naval history nor necessarily the British navy, but it is quite early. I'm not especially interested in the 18th and 19th centuries and wooden ships are not especially interested for me. But, well, Trafalgar is Trafalgar, so I thought I'd try.

Adkin's book is an exciting read, based as it is both on the official reports of the battle and its leadup, but also on journals and an excellent understanding of the social history of the era. In fact, I'd say that the latter was the most interesting for me because Adkins does a really good job in giving a sense of what it was like on these wooden men-of-war, from basic living conditions to how they are fought. The result is a book which isn't just an account of a rather messy battle, but giving a vivid sense of warfare in this age (which, like any warfare, is horrific in its own particular way).

And, of course, Nelson looms large over the narrative. One can't really escape Nelson, of course, at Trafalgar and it was interesting to have a look at his biography again. I'm not sure Adkins fully makes Nelson feel human-there is still a lot of idolizing to cut through in the sources. But the picture is more 3D than most treatments.

This is a fascinating book of a fascinating episode in the history of European imperialisms. Trafalgar is still an icon for the British and still studied because of that. This book is a good contribution to that study.

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Review: Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition

Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition Open Mind, Open Heart 20th Anniversary Edition by Thomas Keating
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first of the books by Thomas Keating, a Cistercian monk in the US, who was very active in the Centering Prayer movement in the 70s and onwards. Open Mind Open Hearts is a classic in the genre and offers an introduction to contemplative prayer in general and to Centering Prayer in particular. Keating is erudite, but gentle in his approach. It isn't especially an easy read, but it is a good one, especially for those interested in prayer.

One of the things that I like about this book is that Keating keeps the instruction relatively short and ends each chapter with a series of questions which really illuminate the topic. Given that we are talking about prayer, which is a notoriously difficult topic to engage in because of the danger of making all of it seem abstract and unreachable, the question and answer style really helps with explaining the application of the Centering Prayer that Keating is most focused on.

For those interested in contemplative prayer, especially in its Christian form, this book is an essential read. And it well worth the effort.

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Saturday, July 01, 2023

Review: Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem

Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem by Augustine Wetta
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I got this book because it was mentioned in a podcast on Benedictine spirituality (I can't even remember who the speaker was) and recommended highly. So, on my last online book buying spree, I added it because humility interests me. That seems odd because humility doesn't have the best rap, not unfairly because it is frequently used as a way to silence people or a highly useful tool for self-flagellation. But humlity, real humility, isn't a weapon to be used against oneself or someone else, but, as another speaker I ran into on a monastic site, 'knowing the truth about oneself- one's abilities and gifts, but also one's liabilities and weaknesses. And that is worth exploring for this middle aged guy, amid the competing demands for my attention that the world gives.

Augustine Wetta, a monk at St. Louis, Abbey, Missouri, provides a series of reflection on the well known section on humility in Benedict's Rule. The reflections combine connections to other parts of the Rule, scripture and his own experience. Wetta's writing is engaging and, sometimes, quite funny, but also manages moments of profundity. I used them as nighttime reflections, but that may not always fit. They were good to settled down to in the evening.

This book is worth keeping around (despite the instruction in the conclusion to give it away- I didn't :)) as a book of reflections, so that's what I'm doing. If you are drawn to Benedictine spirituality, this is worth reading.

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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Review: Crying in H Mart

Crying in H Mart Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a rather unexpected book for me, partly because it isn't history or science fiction or theology, but also in just how serendipitously I managed to get my hands on it. I just happened to be glancing at short videos on YouTube- the Brief but Spectacular series from PBSNewshour, and ran into the author's video on making the ordinary beautiful. That resonated with me, so I watched the video, which mentioned that Zauner also wrote a book on her mother's death. Since my mother passed away three months ago, I was intrigued, so I looked up the book in my library app. It turns out that Crying in H Mart is really popular, so I was looking at a 17 week wait, despite a crazy number of copies in the system. But, then, the app did something interesting and offered me a quick copy, if I thought I could read it in a week (I read it in two days). So, I figured that's no coincidence, so, of course, I read it.

The book is a reflection on the death of Zauner's Korean mother, when Zauner was in her mid-twenties. The author is tender and thoughtful and I found myself nodding as she mentioned reactions to aspects of her mother's last illness (although she was much more involved in the day to day care of her mother than I ever was for mine). She's very open about the conflicted elements of her relationships and conscious of how she contributed to those. As well, it is a loving reflection on her efforts to rediscover her Korean identity after her mother passed away, especially, but not necessarily limited to food. That's a hook for me, of course, because I love the connection of food and identity, as well as the fact that that was also one of the ways that my mother mediated her love to her family.

This really is a lovely book and I'm glad that I found my way to it. Despite the age difference between myself and the author, I resonated with the book and it really was quite helpful for me to read at this particular point in my life. So, very grateful to have the chance.

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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Review: The Man in the High Castle

The Man in the High Castle The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

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Review: The Benedictine Way

The Benedictine Way The Benedictine Way by Wulstan Mork
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I picked up this book on Google Reads because, well, any look at my reading list can tell that I'm interested in monastic literature, especially from the point of view of how to apply it to my distinctly non-monastic life. This book is definitely a monastic book and its audience is definitely Mork's fellow monastics. It looks at the Benedictine life as a way of life as a mentality, which is a helpful approach even for this non-monastic. The reading was sometimes slow going and I actually re-read it right away because I wasn't absolutely sure I was taking it all in. But definitely worth the effort.

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Sunday, March 05, 2023

Review: The Florentines: From Dante to Galileo: The Transformation of Western Civilization

The Florentines: From Dante to Galileo: The Transformation of Western Civilization The Florentines: From Dante to Galileo: The Transformation of Western Civilization by Paul Strathern
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another random find in my library app. I was looking for books on Italy in preparation for my impending Italy trip (March, 2023) and ran into this book. Since I was going to spend a couple of days in Florence, I thought knowing some of the history would be helpful.

Strathern's history of Florence is really well done. He manages to combine attention to the environment, politics and social setting with a vivid sense of the people who shaped Florence's history in the course of the 14th and 16th centuries. That was a tumultuous time, not only culturally amid the excitement of the Renaissance, but also politically, at a time when Italy's map was being re-made. Carefully researched and well explained, this book is an excellent introduction to Renaissance Florence.

So, if you're interested in the period or in Florence, this is a good entry point.

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Review: Uffizi Gallery: The Official Guide All of the Works

Uffizi Gallery: The Official Guide  All of the Works Uffizi Gallery: The Official Guide All of the Works by Gloria Fossi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I first picked this book up, of course, at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence in 2017, when I was on tour in Italy with students. My mission that year was to gather the guidebooks, so I could plan my succeeding trips to Italy better. It took me until I was on the cusp of the next trip to get around to reading it.

This is, of course, a guidebook, so not comprehensive, but it does give a good understanding of the Uffizi Gallery's collection and, just as important, the layout. The descriptions of the featured paintings are concise and interesting, so worth reading through to look for one's favourites. The translation sometimes produces slightly odd English, but nothing really difficult to read. And there is a list of all the art work in each room, which is actually quite helpful.

Definitely worth picking up for those who are interested, especially in Renaissance art.

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Monday, February 20, 2023

Review: The Mighty Hood: The Life & Death of the Royal Navy's Proudest Ship

The Mighty Hood: The Life & Death of the Royal Navy's Proudest Ship The Mighty Hood: The Life & Death of the Royal Navy's Proudest Ship by Ernle Bradford
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I ran into this book, while skimming books in my library app. I've always been fascinated by the Bismarck episode, so a book on the Hood was interesting to me. And this is a good book. It gives really a really vivid sense of what it was like to be on the Hood when it was first constructed and in its last years during World War II. The eyewitness account are interesting and the book is well-written.

But two concerns.

First, I was partly interested in this book because I was interested in the full history of the ship. And I got a lot of what I was interested in, but there is a curious gap in the early 1930s, which I found disappointing and distracting. In particular, I was interested in how the Hood's crew experienced the Invergordon mutiny in 1931, but there really is nothing here. That is, admittedly, a depressing subject, but it is part of the history and I wish some discussion was done on that.

Second, the overall tone is pretty patriotic. Harder questions could be asked, but really Bradford goes rather easy on the British Navy. That's a liability in this kind of writing, but just noting it here.

This book is still a good book to read and I think those interested in World War II naval history would find it an entertaining and interesting book to follow up on.

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Review: The Catacombs Of St. Callixtus History Archaeology Faith

The Catacombs Of St. Callixtus History   Archaeology   Faith The Catacombs Of St. Callixtus History Archaeology Faith by Antonio Baruffa
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is another one of the guidebooks, I'm re-reading in preparation for a return to Italy in March. This one deals with the Christian Catacombs along the Appian way, identified with Pope Callixtus I. Baruffa gives a pretty comprehensive look at these catacombs and of the Christian art found within it. In particular, he focuses on the initial excavations by De Rossi, who he quotes extensively. He goes literally room by room, outlining both the art and the inscriptions, giving details on who was buried there, in so far as he can. It is a very detailed account and useful for understanding the full scope of the book.

But two caveats:
First, the detail is pretty fine grained. That is, he literally talks about every inscription, every painting, which I found a little overwhelming. Some inscriptions have next to no information about them, so that can be confusing.

Second, the tone is relentlessly Catholic. Now, that isn't really a problem for me, as a Christian, I can resonate with it, but I note it for readers of my reviews who are not. The reverential tone can be off putting, I think, so be ready for it.

However, this is an important book on the Christian catacombs and helps illuminate Christian burial practices in antiquity, the make-up of the Church in Rome in the early Christian period and gives a clear impression of Christian art of that era.

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Sunday, February 05, 2023

Review: In Praise of the Useless Life: A Monk’s Memoir

In Praise of the Useless Life: A Monk’s Memoir In Praise of the Useless Life: A Monk’s Memoir by Paul Quenon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I decided to have read this book because of another book, which often happens. Back in the spring, I read Quenon's book, co-written with Judith Valente, How To be, which is a book of letters between Valente, a well-known journalist and Benedictine oblate, and Quenon, a similarly well-known Trappist monk and poet (which I've also reviewed). This book intrigued me because I wanted to learn more about Quenon.

The first thing I have to say about this book is don't expect a linear narrative. Quenon's approach is reflective, so, while I think it roughly follows a chronology, it is hard to tell. He does talk a lot about Thomas Merton, for those of you who, like me, are interested in that and a fair a bit about the Abbey of Gethsemani. But he also talks much about his encounters with nature and with others. The book is a bit diffuse, but rewarding if read reflectively.

What I enjoyed about Quenon's memoir was just the reflective tone which evoked the place he was writing in. It is idiosyncratic and occasionally bewildering, but that is rather the charm of reading it. It is, ultimately, restful and that isn't something one can say about a lot of books.

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Review: The War for the Seas: A Maritime History of World War II

The War for the Seas: A Maritime History of World War II The War for the Seas: A Maritime History of World War II by Evan Mawdsley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I stumbled into this book, scrolling through the e-book offerings on my local library's borrowing app. I feel a bit of a nostalgia for the topic because I was deeply, deeply obsessed with World War II naval history since I encountered Grenfall's book on the Hunt for the Bismark back when I was in Grade 5 or something. So, suffice it to say, I've read a few books on the subject. But, as things do, I had rather lost touch with the subject, so this book made me want to see what was current these days in WWII naval history. And I'm glad i did.

Mawdsley's book is a really good history of the full scope of the war. And I mean full. He doesn't just focus on Britain vs Germany and the US vs Japan, as most writers do, but he also discusses what happened to the French and Italians and, even more rarely, the Russians. He writes both using interesting anecdotes, but also in carefully considered analysis. The result is a book whose breadth satisfies the desire for the big picture, with all the drama of the actions fought. He considers the great controversies, giving the fresh looks that have now available as archives open up and more and more ships are re-discovered where they sank. The result is a comprehensive and thoughtful volume which is very much worth reading.

This book really is a good starting point for someone considering the subject for the first time or for someone who wants to see where we are in the study of the war. It manages that elusive goal of all historians- to be readable and accurate. And that makes it worth looking up.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Review: The National Architectural Museum of Naples

The National Architectural Museum of Naples The National Architectural Museum of Naples by Rosanna Cappelli
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I picked this guidebook up from the Naples Archaeological Museum in 2017 and only now, on the even of a new trip in March, sat down to read it. It is a very good guidebook, not only giving the highlights of the collection, but also giving some history and context to how the collection was put together from various Renaissance antiquities collections and more recent excavations. It gives a good sense of the context of the museum.

The layout is pretty much as the Museum is laid out, of course. There is so much in the museum that it can't feature everything in every room, but includes the best known elements. It not only explains context for pieces, but also how they found their way into the collection, which is really useful for me as a teacher.

This is well worth picking up and reading, even after a visit. Oh, and visit the museum itself. If you're interested in Pompeii and Herculaneum ,much of the best known artistic works can be found here. And if you're interested in Renaissance collecting, this collection has an interesting history.

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