Thursday, October 19, 2023

Review: Mockingjay

Mockingjay Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I rather unexpectedly got this book from my public library, since it was on hold for, well, forever- the Hunger Games series being so popular. This is, of course, the concluding book of the series and continues the momentum of the previous two books, sometimes painfully. Katniss' and the other tributes' PTSD is now acute in this book and you can see how all this is affecting them, all while they are working to overthrow the oppressive government which runs the Hunger Game. There is moral complexity though because the substitute government forming isn't that much better, as Katniss realizes quite early on. This makes for a richer story, of course, which is full of moral decisions and dilemmas.

That complexity is part of what makes this one of the best science fiction dystopias of our generation. Well worth reading!

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