Thursday, February 08, 2007

Patristics Roundup Feb. 1-7

I'm coming to the conclusion that the patristic garden is a busier place than I first thought. While a few of us live in the garden, there is a fair number of people popping in for a visit. I hope you enjoy this week's offerings.

Mike Aquilina on The Way of the Fathers offers a review of Darrell Bock's book on The Missing Gospels, lets us know about Slavonic gnostic texts, a catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts, warms our day by taking us back to Ostia and its connection to Augustine. links us to an LA Times story about the monasteries in Sinai

Danny Garland on Irish-Catholic and Dangerous features a patristics catena on Exekiel 44, 1-2 and Mary, St. Leo on the Hypostatic Union(I'm a fan)

William Weedon on Weedon's Blog features quotes from St. Augustine, Augustine again more Augustine, still more Augustine, even more Augustine and Ambrose

God Fearing Fiddler on God Fearin Forum looks at Eusebius, the canon and the concept of sola scriptura, Eusebius on Millenarianism.

H. Evan Runner offers his views on philosophy and the Church Fathers

A Hatfield at Trinitarian Life reviews the Eastern patristic doctrine of theosis
Stay Catholic offers a catena on Mary's perpetual virginity

James Swan on Beggars All: Reformation and Apologetics posts a quote from Salvian the Presbyter as part of a new Ancient Voice for the Day series

Derek the Anglican on haligweorc discusses the complications of balancing modern scholarship and the Fathers.

Mark Pickup on HumanLifeMatters ruminates over a sermon of St. Gregory of Nyssa and being fools for Christ.

Rachel Stanton on Rachel Stanton's blog features a patristic catena on Wealth and Poverty. Also, see her catena on Violence from January (Hat Tip: Bruce on The World According to Bruce)

Tony Chartrand-Burke on Apocryphicity offers a review of Craig Evan's Fabricating Jesus

Paul Willweber on Three Taverns reflects upon the Creeds from a Protestant point of view.

Rob Bradshaw on lets us know about a CD-ROM which offers images of the Church fathers.

April McConick on The Forbidden Gospels offers some comments on recent conservative apologetics about Christian Apocrypha

Rich Brannon on ricoblog publishes another installment of the Didache


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phil, I wanted to let you know that I have also posted an account of “The Martyrdom of Maxmilian” on my blog which might be of interest to you. Blessings!