Sunday, July 17, 2011

This Week in Patristics July 10-16th, 2011

Welcome to a new week and a new TWP. And I even managed to get finished on time.

Douglas Dobbins on the Writer's Block blog begins a discussion in which he aims to vindicate St. Cyril of Alexandria and continues in the series, discussing the psychology of Nestorius.

Boniface on the Unam Sanctam Catholicam blog discusses the conservative and progressive nature of the patristic (Catholic) church as well as questioning the Pagan Creep theory. This is a part of a rather long running series on the Fathers from a Roman Catholic perspective.

The Oxford Patristics Conference blog continues to post new abstracts for its conference this summer.

Catholic Online discusses St. Benedict of Nursia and the example which he offers us today in our de-Christianizing West. A good article, but I wonder if 6th century Italy is really an analogy to today...yet. Are things falling apart quite that badly????

Alin Suciu on his self-named blog discusses the Coptic versions of St. John Chyrosthom's Homilies on Hebrews.

mjhoskin on the pocket scroll blog discusses the man and the life of St. Benedict of Nursia as well as the legacy of his famous Rule. He also discusses the definitive (!) proof for the truth of Pope Leo's Tome.

The Son of the Fathers blog discusses St. Athanasius' Letter to Marcellinus, outlining the importance of the Psalms in one's prayer life.

Weekend Fisher on the Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength blog discusses mjhoskin's discussion of typology, giving a Talmudic perspective.

James Pate on James' Thoughts blog discusses an article by R. Davison on the Old Testament and the Church.

That's it for this week. I'll see you next week!


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