Sunday, April 03, 2011

This Week in Patristics March 27th-April 2nd, 2011

Welcome to the second installment of This Week in Patristics. This week, we hear the echoes of controversy over Rob Bell's new book and the Jordanian Lead Tablets debacle as well as more Orthdoox reaction to Father Alex Trader's book on ancient Christian tradition and cognitive therapy. Enjoy!

Dr. Adam DeVille on the Eastern Christian Books blog discusses Rob Bell's new book, Bell's alleged universalism in light of similar accuasations leveled against Origen.

Father Alex Trader continues his guest posts at various Eastern Orthodox blogs which outline his new book on Ancient Christian Wisdom and cognitive therapy (see last week for the first two). He discusses the importance of thinking on the Voice of Stefan and the practical value of his approach on Biblicalia.

Andy Naselli on his self-named blog discusses Michael Haykin's book, Rediscovering the Fathers.

Roger Pearse
on his self-named blog discusses first reactions to the lead tablets found in Jordan and recently publicized with a follow-up on their probable (dubious) quality. He also gives a series of updates on the culmination of his Eusebius project, publishing the Gospel Problems and Solutions, noting the arrival of his proof copy and frustrations with the design of the dust jacket.

Jim Davila on the PaleoJudaica blog features several updates with many, many useful links on the increasingly infamous lead tablets on March 29th, March 30, March 31st, April 1st, and sums up with some random thoughts.

April DeConnick on The Forbidden Gospel blog discusses the lead tablets with considerable (and understandible skepticism (even if I quibble on the skepticism about lead tablets- those are used for curse tablets), confirmed later in the week with the conviction that the tablets are forgeries.

I hope you enjoy this week's offerings. This coming week is a bit busy with report cards, so if I'm a little late with this upcoming entry, don't worry, I'll get it done by Monday night, April 11th at the latest.

Peace, Phil

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