New Under the Tent: New Patristic Blogs And Announcements.
Nothing new this month.
Front Gate: Introductions to the Fathers
David on the He Lives blog offers an introduction to Church History.
The Newsletter of the Roman Orthodox Church examines that 'old time' religion of the Fathers in parts one, two, three, four and five. Yes, I know, it starts in December, but it is too good not to include. Besides, I missed it last month.
The Midway: Articles on the Fathers
Mike Aquilina on The Way of the Fathers blog resolves to learn Greek this year.
Roger Pearse on his self-named blog considers James of Edessa, a 8th century continuator of Eusebius who preserve the first mention of Mohammed, updated his plans to commission translations of Eusebius of Caesarea's lesser known works, introduces us to Isidore of Pelusium, reviews the numbering of the letters of Isidore of Pelusium, announces his publication of a cross-reference table for the numbering of Isidore of Pelusium's letters in Migne and the Source Chretiennes edition. Wow, Roger just tires me out listing his patristic entries, much less his other valuable work.
Tim Trautman on the Army of Martyrs blog claims antiquity for the Catholic Church, returns the favour because the Church belongs to antiquity and considers Second Clement and Incarnational ecclesiology.
Chris Armstrong on the Christian History blog discusses the charismatic gifts in the early patristic age.
Weekend Fisher on the Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength blog considers Eusebius' historical methodology in determine the canonical status of several books attributed to Peter.
Polycarp on the Church of Jesus Christ blog discusses God the Father and Jesus Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Economy of God in parts one and two, considers John Cassian on free will and as an alternative to Augustine,
David Waltz on the Articuli Fidei blog discusses the development of doctrine in the light of Behr, Louth, Hanson, Giles and Newman.
Historical TheoBlogy features a discussion of Arius' exegetical method and its applications to Proverbs 8.
Stan on the Winging It blog considers the Church's relationship to the military with some important discussion of the attitudes of early Fathers.
Mark on the Joe Versus the Volcano blog discusses St. Gregory Nazianzus' view on deification.
Richard on the Tehillim blog (thanks to my wife for transliterating the Hebrew title discusses St. Athanasius, Mary and Psalm. 45.
Reed Antony Carlson on the theophiliacs blog discusses the patristic view on non-violence as part of a wider series on Non-Violence in a Violent World.
Andrew on the Theology of Andrew blog discusses St. Ignatius of Antioch's ecclesiology and the problems it creates for non-episcopal Protestant denominations.
Father Ernesto Obregon on the Ortho-Cuban blog considers whether the Radical Reformers' challenge of the authority of the Early Church Fathers paved the way for liberal Christian challenges of the Bible.
Kevin Edgecomb on the biblicalia blog offers a catalogue of St. Vladimir Press' Popular Patristics series with an indication of which treatises are included in each volume. This is an invaluable resource.
Christopher D. Hall on the This Side of the Pulpit blog considers tradition as submission's teacher.
Father Gregory Wassen on the First Principles blog considers the patristic understanding of Scriptural exegesis as opposed to modern understandings in part one and part two.
Jay Dyer on the Nicene Truth blog offers a primer on Trinitarian Theology and Christology.
Brian LePort on the pasa graphe blog considers Justin Martyr's view on Christian participation in the military.
Michael on the To and Through St. Vlad's considers the fun of three-in-one, or, in other words, Trinitarian theology brought to you by the Cappadocian Fathers.
Theocoid on the Is my Phylactery Showing? blog let us in on the discussion questions for his patristics class.
Kevin on the Courting the Mystery blog considers new Syriac textbooks and the hope Origen gives us.
John Hobbins on the Ancient Hebrew Poetry blog considers Stanley Fish's contention why St. Augustine would allow Roland Burris to sit in President Obama's old Senate seat.
Rick Brannon on ricoblog considers a textual problem in the Letter to Diognetus.
MG on The Well of Questions blog considers Jerome's view on the tri-fold ministry structure shared by Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Anglicanism and St. Athanasius on the Law of Death.
James Swan on the Alpha and Omega Ministries argues that Protestants do have the apostolic tradition.
Ben Smith on the Thoughts on Antiquity blog continues his series on the canonical lists with the Stichmetry of (Pseudo-)Nicephorus.
Walter Shandruch on the Thoughts on Antiquity blog considers early Christian use of magic.
On this blog, I consider why Christians can't leave history alone.
The Marketplace: Book Reviews
Nick Norelli on the Rightly Dividing the Truth blog reviews Christopher Hall's Learning Theology with the Church Fathers.
Brendon on the Christian Books: Orthodoxy blog reviews Andrew Louth's translation of John of Damascus' Three Treatises on Divine Images from our friends at St. Vladimir Press' Popular Patristics series.
Christina on the Christian Books: Orthodoxy blog reviews Norman Russell's The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition.
The MLibrary blog offers a short review of Norman Russel's Theophilus.
The Very Rev. Dr. Theodosius Walker on the St. Mary's Orthodox Bookstore blog reviews James Cowan's Desert Father: A Journey in the Wilderness with Saint Antony.
April DeConick on The Forbidden Gospels blog reviews the Collected Essays of Gilles Quispel.
Tim Trautman on the Army of Martyrs blog reviews J. Patout Burns book, Cyprian the Bishop.
Derek Leman on the Messianic Jewish Ramblings blog reviews Philip Jenkins' The Lost History of Christianity.
Philip Harland on the Religions of the Ancient World blog previews his forthcoming book on the Dynamics of Identity and Early Christianities.
Exhibition Place: Biographies of the Fathers
J. Hearne on the Telling the Stories That Matter examines the biography of St. Gregory of Nyssa.
Brad Culver on the Living Water From an Ancient Well blog discusses St. Antony. He follows up this post with a consideration of the Desert Fathers as a group. He also gives the biography of St. John Chryosthom.
Peter on The Rock and The Sword blog gives St. Antony's biography also.
Padre Mickey on Padre Mickey's Dance Party also considers the life of St. John Chyrsosthom.
Sophocles on the a...sinner blog considers the life of Hippolytus of Rome.
Kevin Edgecomb on the biblicalia blog considers Sts. Ephrem and Isaac.
The Rodeo: Patristic catenae
Nothing new this month.
The Foreign Exchange Tent: Translations and Summaries
Roger Pearse on his self-named blog publishes some commissioned translations of a few letters of Isidore of Pelusium.
On this blog, I continue my series on Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin.
The Talmudic Tabernacle: Christianity and Judaism in the Ancient World
Nothing new this month.
The Apocryphal Aisle: Christian Apocrypha
Father Jones on the Anglican Centrist blog posts an article by Bryan Owen critiquing Elaine Pagel and her book, Beyond Belief.
April DeConick on The Forbidden Gospels blog notes her observations on the Apocolypse of Gabrial stone, notes a micromorphological analysis of the same stone, discusses why theology isn't history, poses a translation problem in the Gospel of Judas,
Nothing new this month.
Front Gate: Introductions to the Fathers
David on the He Lives blog offers an introduction to Church History.
The Newsletter of the Roman Orthodox Church examines that 'old time' religion of the Fathers in parts one, two, three, four and five. Yes, I know, it starts in December, but it is too good not to include. Besides, I missed it last month.
The Midway: Articles on the Fathers
Mike Aquilina on The Way of the Fathers blog resolves to learn Greek this year.
Roger Pearse on his self-named blog considers James of Edessa, a 8th century continuator of Eusebius who preserve the first mention of Mohammed, updated his plans to commission translations of Eusebius of Caesarea's lesser known works, introduces us to Isidore of Pelusium, reviews the numbering of the letters of Isidore of Pelusium, announces his publication of a cross-reference table for the numbering of Isidore of Pelusium's letters in Migne and the Source Chretiennes edition. Wow, Roger just tires me out listing his patristic entries, much less his other valuable work.
Tim Trautman on the Army of Martyrs blog claims antiquity for the Catholic Church, returns the favour because the Church belongs to antiquity and considers Second Clement and Incarnational ecclesiology.
Chris Armstrong on the Christian History blog discusses the charismatic gifts in the early patristic age.
Weekend Fisher on the Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength blog considers Eusebius' historical methodology in determine the canonical status of several books attributed to Peter.
Polycarp on the Church of Jesus Christ blog discusses God the Father and Jesus Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Economy of God in parts one and two, considers John Cassian on free will and as an alternative to Augustine,
David Waltz on the Articuli Fidei blog discusses the development of doctrine in the light of Behr, Louth, Hanson, Giles and Newman.
Historical TheoBlogy features a discussion of Arius' exegetical method and its applications to Proverbs 8.
Stan on the Winging It blog considers the Church's relationship to the military with some important discussion of the attitudes of early Fathers.
Mark on the Joe Versus the Volcano blog discusses St. Gregory Nazianzus' view on deification.
Richard on the Tehillim blog (thanks to my wife for transliterating the Hebrew title discusses St. Athanasius, Mary and Psalm. 45.
Reed Antony Carlson on the theophiliacs blog discusses the patristic view on non-violence as part of a wider series on Non-Violence in a Violent World.
Andrew on the Theology of Andrew blog discusses St. Ignatius of Antioch's ecclesiology and the problems it creates for non-episcopal Protestant denominations.
Father Ernesto Obregon on the Ortho-Cuban blog considers whether the Radical Reformers' challenge of the authority of the Early Church Fathers paved the way for liberal Christian challenges of the Bible.
Kevin Edgecomb on the biblicalia blog offers a catalogue of St. Vladimir Press' Popular Patristics series with an indication of which treatises are included in each volume. This is an invaluable resource.
Christopher D. Hall on the This Side of the Pulpit blog considers tradition as submission's teacher.
Father Gregory Wassen on the First Principles blog considers the patristic understanding of Scriptural exegesis as opposed to modern understandings in part one and part two.
Jay Dyer on the Nicene Truth blog offers a primer on Trinitarian Theology and Christology.
Brian LePort on the pasa graphe blog considers Justin Martyr's view on Christian participation in the military.
Michael on the To and Through St. Vlad's considers the fun of three-in-one, or, in other words, Trinitarian theology brought to you by the Cappadocian Fathers.
Theocoid on the Is my Phylactery Showing? blog let us in on the discussion questions for his patristics class.
Kevin on the Courting the Mystery blog considers new Syriac textbooks and the hope Origen gives us.
John Hobbins on the Ancient Hebrew Poetry blog considers Stanley Fish's contention why St. Augustine would allow Roland Burris to sit in President Obama's old Senate seat.
Rick Brannon on ricoblog considers a textual problem in the Letter to Diognetus.
MG on The Well of Questions blog considers Jerome's view on the tri-fold ministry structure shared by Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Anglicanism and St. Athanasius on the Law of Death.
James Swan on the Alpha and Omega Ministries argues that Protestants do have the apostolic tradition.
Ben Smith on the Thoughts on Antiquity blog continues his series on the canonical lists with the Stichmetry of (Pseudo-)Nicephorus.
Walter Shandruch on the Thoughts on Antiquity blog considers early Christian use of magic.
On this blog, I consider why Christians can't leave history alone.
The Marketplace: Book Reviews
Nick Norelli on the Rightly Dividing the Truth blog reviews Christopher Hall's Learning Theology with the Church Fathers.
Brendon on the Christian Books: Orthodoxy blog reviews Andrew Louth's translation of John of Damascus' Three Treatises on Divine Images from our friends at St. Vladimir Press' Popular Patristics series.
Christina on the Christian Books: Orthodoxy blog reviews Norman Russell's The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition.
The MLibrary blog offers a short review of Norman Russel's Theophilus.
The Very Rev. Dr. Theodosius Walker on the St. Mary's Orthodox Bookstore blog reviews James Cowan's Desert Father: A Journey in the Wilderness with Saint Antony.
April DeConick on The Forbidden Gospels blog reviews the Collected Essays of Gilles Quispel.
Tim Trautman on the Army of Martyrs blog reviews J. Patout Burns book, Cyprian the Bishop.
Derek Leman on the Messianic Jewish Ramblings blog reviews Philip Jenkins' The Lost History of Christianity.
Philip Harland on the Religions of the Ancient World blog previews his forthcoming book on the Dynamics of Identity and Early Christianities.
Exhibition Place: Biographies of the Fathers
J. Hearne on the Telling the Stories That Matter examines the biography of St. Gregory of Nyssa.
Brad Culver on the Living Water From an Ancient Well blog discusses St. Antony. He follows up this post with a consideration of the Desert Fathers as a group. He also gives the biography of St. John Chryosthom.
Peter on The Rock and The Sword blog gives St. Antony's biography also.
Padre Mickey on Padre Mickey's Dance Party also considers the life of St. John Chyrsosthom.
Sophocles on the a...sinner blog considers the life of Hippolytus of Rome.
Kevin Edgecomb on the biblicalia blog considers Sts. Ephrem and Isaac.
The Rodeo: Patristic catenae
Nothing new this month.
The Foreign Exchange Tent: Translations and Summaries
Roger Pearse on his self-named blog publishes some commissioned translations of a few letters of Isidore of Pelusium.
On this blog, I continue my series on Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin.
The Talmudic Tabernacle: Christianity and Judaism in the Ancient World
Nothing new this month.
The Apocryphal Aisle: Christian Apocrypha
Father Jones on the Anglican Centrist blog posts an article by Bryan Owen critiquing Elaine Pagel and her book, Beyond Belief.
April DeConick on The Forbidden Gospels blog notes her observations on the Apocolypse of Gabrial stone, notes a micromorphological analysis of the same stone, discusses why theology isn't history, poses a translation problem in the Gospel of Judas,
Excellent as always! Thanks for including me, and for sharing these articles with the rest of the blogosphere. - Polycarp
Thank you for the Carnival!
Take care & God bless
Anne / WF
In addition to Reed's posts on Patristic views on non-violence, another one of our authors on theophiliacs has begun a series on "Authority in the Apostolic Fathers"
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