Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ash Wednesday

I almost missed Ash Wednesday.

Well, not really. I knew what day it was. I knew I'd be at the 7:30 service. Why, I even knew I'd be thurifer.

But, I still almost missed it in the busyness which is my life this week. Last minute marking, report card comments, deadlines for various things and a professional development session have conspired to make it difficult for me to focus on anything but work this last week or so. So, Ash Wednesday and Lent has only been at the back of my mind.

What brought it back to the front of my head (and, hence, this blog) was our service for Ash Wednesday. I have always liked Ash Wednesday. There is something in the somberness and the recollection of my sins, shortcomings and weaknesses which calls me back to reality in the midst of what is usually a busy time. It is, I fear, too easy to skate along, managing my life with all its joys and complications and not engage with what separates me from God. Ash Wednesday service, for me, is an exercise in humility; one that I need regularly. And that is good because that is part of what Lent is about.

Welcome to the Lenten season.


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