Sunday, November 06, 2022

Review: The Alexiad

The Alexiad The Alexiad by Anna Comnena
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a re-read for me and one of the several books which got me into Byzantine history in the first place. But I hadn't read it in years, so I thought it might be fun to do so. It was harder going that I remembered, but worthwhile.

Anna Comnena is sometimes a difficult historian to work through. That is, her historical work is generally quite good. Her chronology can be a bit wonky, but that is true of a lot of ancient and mediaeval historians. And there are passages of truly insightful historical and character study which take one's breath away. But interspersed are passages of skin-creeping panegyric of her father that really can put one off. Now, I do understand that she had several axes to grind, most of them related to court politics, so one has to factor that in. But that can be off putting.

Still, she still deserves her place as one of the best historians in the Byzantine Empire, so well worth reading.

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