Monday, July 11, 2011

This Week in Patristics July 3rd-9th, 2011

Welcome to the new edition of TWP. Sorry for the lateness, but this week was rather challenging and Internet connection issues aren't helping. Enjoy!

Joe Heschmeyer on Shameless Popery discusses the 'Robber Council' of Ephesus (Ephesus II) and what it says about the criteria for accepting a council as ecumenical. This discussion is based on an entry from June, which I fear I missed ( here it is), which argues that Ephesus II's failure as an ecumenical council was because the Pope opposed it as soon as he heard about it. Well, yes and no. Papal opposition was the final nail in Ephesus II's coffin, but the rejection of the Antiochene delegates who arrived too late to participate in the early part of the council which rehabilitated Eutyches was probably just as important. Maybe the Orthodox were right after all. An ecumenical council actually has to accepted by the full church, not just one faction.

Oxford Patristics continues to publish abstracts for its conference later this summer.

Alin Suciu on his self-named blog discusses the fragments on the Scholia of the Monogenes by St. Cyril of Alexandria.

mjhoskin on the pocket scroll blog discusses Christianization at the time of Justinian in two parts (part one and part two) and problems that this effort made for the Church of the day including making the Church primarily a social insitution and the problem of incomplete Christian education and the survival of 'magic'. In addition, he argues for the promise of typ0logy in enriching our reading of the Bible.

Roger Pearse on his self-named blog considers, amid his scanning marathon, a discussion of Old Coptic.

Mike Aubrey on the en epheso blog notes the annoucement of an SBL Greek Language and Linguistics site/blog. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but it soundss interesting for both biblical and patristic scholars.

Joel on the Unsettled Christianity blog discusses the Christus Victor tradition and St. Justin Martyr's understanding of who the powers which Christ defeated actually were.

The Bryn Mawr Classical Review blog posts a basically favourable review of Paula Frederickson's Augustine and the Jews.

I hope you enjoyed the entries and see you again next week!


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