After a rather tiring and trying spring, the school year is over and I'm (almost) officially on vacation. To celebrate, I'm taking a month long blogging hiatus starting today, so there will be no Patristic Roundups until the end of July or early August, when I plan a massive roundup. So, stay tuned.
In the meantime, enjoy the picture of a flax field in bloom (NOT a lake!). Also, please pray for my wife, son and I as we travel out West to Winnipeg to see family.
Enjoy your well-deserved break.
For your return, here's a suggestion that I hope you'll seriously consider: !!!slow down!!! Let yourself do a monthly Patristics carnival instead of the weekly roundup. It's too much.
Everyone will still be reading it, along with all the other fun things you're posting lately. And you'll be able to relax a little, and spend more time away from the computer.
Thanks, Kevin. You may well be right about the practicality of the weekly roundup. That is on my list of things to re-evaluate over my holiday so I can bring my stress and busyness levels down.
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